hmm i can hear you have put more hours into this song, however that doesnt mean i like it all lol
im not a fan of the rap/vocal.. kinda ruines the song if you'd ask me.
anyway to the start again:
you start of really good imo!
the pluck or whatever it is sounds solid, the string/pad too only thing i would do is put sidechain on the string..
the bass at the 0.23 spot is also pretty enjoyable but still i would have done more with it.
the vocal starting at 0.50 is good, yea i just said i didnt like it, but since its not too long at this point, its more enjoyable, too bad it starts again at 1.12.
you could have filled that up with a massive bassline, or make the main synth stronger!
the build up starting at 1.44 until 1.51 feels to short and kinda soft to me. maybe you could have given it length with a really simple snare roll.. it also would have given the song a bit of variation.
and variation is what i miss aswell.
as i already mentioned to me it sounds like youve put more hours into this project then your last one.
but i still think this song could have been soo much bigger!