
358 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Nice mate, but i have to agree with spawnofallevil :)
-by going back to a sort of 'standard' bass.

besides that, nice percs, great accent and rythm :)

i think a 9 and 4 will fit this good so far.

_Timo/ Mau5

CRomDayLeR responds:

I thought that if I pick a bass like that , it would be better for the rhythm and it would be better because you could hear the melo better.

anyways, thx for the review! :D


awsome synth sound you brougth to me!
as a liker of Dmau5,i can tell you; a great ffffumpkkkking remix.

5 n 10

_Timo/ M.

Prodigal responds:

Haha, thanks for reviewing. I'll be sure to finish this remix after some rest from my now completed song.


very promising to me, long time no review to you :(
sorry for that.

anyways, great start but maybe to much of a flanger/chorus [i think the chorus might be F*king this awsome tune] :)

besides, Awsome melody, awsome beats and Dub Dub Dub Dubss :D

5 and 10

_Timo/ Mau5

Prodigal responds:

Lols, it's okay. The Fl Core version should be posted sometime this weekend if Rig decides he's going to come on line and answer my question :D

Thanks for reviewing!


Nice, carefull, slowly, progression, power, emotion.
especially that last one did it for me.

you've made my tears even cry with this wonderfull piece.
yet i would thank you very much for submitting this full vers. to NG
cant say no more.

DJ-xTc responds:

Thx, i can see im improving thanks to your tips :D


Well well,

a great start for a trance WiP.
and since you said you always like more constructive criticm i shall try this with headphones for maximum quality.

the mixing so far seems to be good, and stays stable when the melody is being introduced.
the kick could use some more of a bass instead of a punch[attack]..
i'm not that easy in voting/reviewing so yea..

the same for the percussion/cymbals, its like it fits into this piece, but yet it doesn't xD

but thats what i said, maybe if you change the kick,
the cymbals wont lagg the kick anymore.

besides that, the melody is good but still kinda happy for me, or too basshunter if you understand me. :)

the progression was smoothly done, my compliments!
things that could be changed some more:
kick-bass [less attack]
percussion/cymbals, if the kick doesn't workout.
Thats all xD

i still give you my 5
and 9 since its a WiP!


Endeavour responds:

Thanks D-Chain for the good review.
You are totally right about the kicks. The first part lacks bass, and the second part lacks the velocity.

Also the percussion and cymbals at the second part are present, but are very low on volume. I increased the kick volume, that might be the thing responsible for it.

Yes im going to tweak this and add it to my 3th version.
Thanks in advance,


its a bit standard for trance dont ya think?
second; i can here your more a person that likes doing house or
progressive sub-genre's of trance or house.

keep going!


DJinside responds:

heey timo.

1 probleem...heb te weinig werkgeheugen waardoor ik niets kan afmaken...anders had ik dit al lang veranderd;) thx voor de review toch;)

WOW! The first one just awsome!

For the first time a ever say this, but that is just genius krussi! :O
even though its older, i can see you where/are very good at it!

if the first one was a complete song i wouldn't have my doubt about buying it :)


Krussi responds:

Thanks alot man :D glad you liked both of them. I am too more drawn towards the older one (first one).
This review means alot and I appreciate it alot.

Thanks again ^^



Well, dont listen to hitler..
with his opinion about hurting his ears.. then he should have listen to his own bomb explosions..
about your song, its a great start, too.. develop :D
the bass is awomeness dude!
the sound of the lead isnt realy my thing but yea..
melo is good enough to form a song with the other instruments.

so ill give you my 9 and 5!


CRomDayLeR responds:

I luv that bass too, it is just so fucking awesome :D.
Happy that you liked the melo...but I think I will work on the melo a bit more when I´m bored.

thx for the review

Im a simple [nerdy] guy with a passion to create music that beholds some sort of quality. In my spare time i enjoy the thrill of exploring and executing my hobbies.

Age 32

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